• L E S S O N S
  • Posts
  • Hormozi’s “Hook → Retain → Reward” Content Framework (But For Threads)!!

Hormozi’s “Hook → Retain → Reward” Content Framework (But For Threads)!!

PLUS: The 10 Commandments of Threads and Unlocking Real Growth With This ESSENTIAL Question!

What is it?

  • In $100M Leads, Hormozi talks about the Core Four of getting engaged leads:

    1. Warm outreach

    2. Free content

    3. Paid ads

    4. Cold outreach

  • The “HookRetainReward” (HRR) framework comes from the chapter titled #2 Post Free Content Part I.

  • As you’ll see on the Notion page, the main idea behind the HRR framework is this:

    • A content unit = the smallest amount of content it takes to Hook, Retain and Reward someone.

      • The more rewarding your content is, the more your audience will grow.

But Lennox, I want to win thriends, not get engaged leads!

I hear you.

What this can do for you

  • The good thing is, the HRR framework shows you how to create audience-building content.

    • And, in turn, audience-building content helps you win thriends!

  • More on this in my tip of the week below 👇

Test: IT’S A SECRET 🤫 

  • I started a test on 12/01/24 and will report my findings in next week’s issue of HTWT.

  • You might be able to tell what it is based on my posts until then…


Key Takeaways

Each post:

  • Resonates emotionally

    1. Triggers a feeling of superiority and exclusivity for girls who get heart reactions from other girls, implying that it's more meaningful than getting likes from guys.

    2. Touches on the universal desire for self-expression and validation.

    3. Creates a sense of belonging for a sub-niche of Tech Threads and sparks brand loyalty.

    👉🏽 Posts that resonate emotionally make an impression; they make readers feel connected and heard. In turn, readers want to pass this feeling on to their audiences — promoting wider reach.

  • Is short, clear and simple

    1. 83 characters — clearly says it’s better when women like a woman’s IG story.

    2. 143 characters — clearly says all forms of art are worth sharing.

    3. 28 characters — clearly says Sony headphones are better than Apple’s.

    👉🏽 All three posts use a 6th-grade reading level. Anyone on Threads can quickly and easily understand their messages.

  • Empowers a specific audience

    1. Women who regularly share IG stories.

    2. Artists.

    3. Tech/Sony enthusiasts.

    👉🏽 Empowering a specific audience prompts a reaction. Post 1 invites agreement/disagreement, Post 2 encourages sharing, and Post 3 sparks brand comparisons. These reactions fuel the algorithm and push the posts to a wider audience.

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